$222.00 USD

OFFER | Light Life DNA Recoding Episodes 1 - 4

Special Introductory Offer: Use Code 75OFF-LIGHT-LIFE at cart for $75 off until August 20.

Light-Life DNA recoding comprises a series of channeled information and Energy Transmissions of expanding energy that will initiate a profound physical and consciousness upgrade. Episodes 1 - 4 comprises the first four modules that have been released, in what will become a 12-part series.

What You'll Get:

Episode One - Etheric Body Upgrade - Judy explains Light-Life DNA Recoding and how it will be working within the body’s energy fields.


Episode Two - Endocrine Gland Enhancement - This recording balances the endocrine system and supports the body’s metabolism to step up endocrine functioning to allow for physical upgrades and regenerative changes to occur in the body.


Episode Three - The Blood: River Of New Life - This episode is about the blood, often referred to as the river of life, now becoming the river of new life. Hemoglobin molecules in the blood transport oxygen to all our organs, and the plasma delivers nutrients to all of the body’s cells from the food that we eat. What’s not obvious is that the blood – the veritable river of life – is also involved on an energetic level. The transmissions in this episode will work to upgrade every aspect of the blood and its ability to become a better energy conductor.


Episode Four - Etheric Transposition - This recording takes the energy that has been built up in the first Etheric Level of the human energy field and transposes it into the cells of the body.


Teaching Sessions - Access to 3 additional teaching session recordings that support the program's content.



Light-Life DNA Recoding is changing the way that our human body functions to optimize vitality and wellness and to bring more energy into the cells.  It is necessary to upgrade the functioning of the human body before the true potential of the human DNA code can be fully activated to express.  

Over time, as you repetitively listen to these recordings, you will become stronger, more energized, more capable, and a more enlightened human being, better equipped to function on our new Earth.


It is suggested that you listen 3-5 times per week to each recording, until the release of the next Episode. After Episode Four, a 1-4 energy transmission-only recording will be added to this program. The energy transmitted needs to create a firm foundation for physical body upgrade and change, which takes time. 


  • Absolute physical transformation
  • Profound regeneration of health and bodily function
  • Protection against intense energetic influence
  • Emotional harmony and balance
  • Activating physical changes enabling the body to enter the next steps in the process of Ascension
  • A live teaching session with Judy Satori for each new release episode  

Light-Life DNA Recoding represents the next step of our evolving Ascension process. These transmissions will uplift and strengthen you physically and profoundly expand your consciousness. You will think and feel differently and you will function differently in life.   

Light-Life DNA Recoding is a divinely initiated process of change.  This set of recordings will bring energy/light into the body and impact you at the level of the DNA template and the cells like never before.

The words Light-Life mean bringing the LIGHT/ENERGY  of God/Universal Creation through into the physical body to create new life, which in this case is new life for our physical human body.   

We are being RECODED by this energy, delivered through my voice as energy language words of new creation.  When you listen to the codes it sounds like a fast staccato-like language. It is one digital code (energy from the Source) impacting another digital code (our human genetic code -  DNA).