Sunshine Before the Dawn – eBook

Sunshine Before the Dawn is an inter-dimensional love story about a woman called Essayenya, from the Fifth-Dimensional star civilization of Sirius and Mosteenya, the Lyran leader of the Galactic Council.


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Sunshine Before the Dawn reads and appears like a work of fiction, but it’s not! Every word was telepathically transmitted to Judy Satori by beings of light.

These loving, extraterrestrial star beings, contributed an aspect of their own DNA to the creation of a new, more evolved species of human being for Earth. This new hu-man, or man and woman created in the image and likeness of God, has the inherent capacity within their DNA, to move beyond the confines of a third-dimensional Earth.

In previous cycles on this planet, spiritual Masters have demonstrated this and have ascended. This story has been brought through from Spirit at this time, to prepare you for Earth ascension. With Earth’s ascension, the inherent DNA coding within us will be activated. This is both a physical and a consciousness upgrade.

The day has come. We are the ones from the stars. Sunshine Before the Dawn is our story.

The words are coded. Your heart will respond, and you will begin to remember why you are here.

What People Are Saying:

“My whole being connected so strongly with the words, and the information about why we’re on Earth and our star nations. It reminded me why I’m here and that I’m still connected to something bigger and more awesome than I can fully remember. It actually helped me understand ‘home’, and the gap that is missing in my soul connections here on Earth.”


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