“True Colors” is a program for life mastery, to activate a new vision for yourself, your purpose and your life path.
It is for those who truly wish to master life and cast off the shackles of ‘perceived’ human limitation.
I say perceived, because it is how we view ourselves and our outlook on life that limits our ability to create and express the True Colors and Light of the soul.
True Colors is in three parts: clearing the old, getting clear about how you wish to live your life and what you wish to create, and then taking action. It is designed to be used over three consecutive months, but you can take as long as feels right for you. Just keep going!
It is the very powerful energy codes embedded in this step-by-step plan from Spirit that does most of the work. You just need to read the information in the program manual, watch the introductory video in each section, listen to the audio recordings, and observe how you react and respond to the energy. Just BE as it is not till Part Three where you take action.
Read the information pertaining to each part before beginning it. Watch the video summary and listen to the audio tracks for each section described on each week of the practice plan.
Best wishes on your path, Judy Satori
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