
As a spiritual teacher Judy transmits, "Light-Langauge", divinely designed to clear blocked energy that may be sabotaging you in this lifetime. This will realign the chakras and energy circuitry of the physical body, supporting regeneration and expansion of soul memory and abilities.

Watch the video below to learn more...



The Ascension Library is a portal to meditations, energy transmissions, live video events, courses, e-books, and masterclasses in an alchemical mix of science and spirituality.


The meditations, short courses, live events, and masterclasses in the Ascension Library use a type of energy alchemy called 'Ultralight' to activate changes at a cellular level and allow dormant soul and mind power potential to express.

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  • 1000+ Energy Transmissions
  • 38 Programs and Masterclasses
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Satori
  • Monthly Live Calls with Judy Satori's Global Community
  • Low Cost Membership

Ascension Library members share their experience

"My experience with Judy's Library is truly AMAZING. The light language is extremely healing on every level and it has helped me to minimize my ascension symptoms and be in JOY almost every day!"

–Beata R.

"Your transmissions through the energy words are quite profound and I am very grateful.  You are an amazing, deeply loving woman and Being.”

–Christine H.

"I wish to express my deepest gratitude, love, and blessings for all the work that you do for Earth and Humanity, and being able to receive the most beneficial information that you are so graciously making available to the world!"

–Magdalena C.

Any Questions

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