ascension lifestyle

Are you feeling tired and sluggish? Do you struggle to get up in the morning? If the answer is yes you may need to detoxify your body by cleansing your liver. More light coming into the body often triggers the clearing of toxic emotions and acidic debris from the body. The liver is the main organ of detoxification and if the liver is under strain you may feel emotions of anger, irritability, resentment, or depression.

Signs of a sluggish liver are fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion, hormonal imbalance, skin breakouts, and nausea. To remedy this, drink the juice of two lemons in 1.5 liters of warm water first thing in the morning. Wait as long as possible before eating as you start your day, and at least for the morning, focus on fruit (for example, APPLES, berries, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, cranberries, blueberries, raw beetroot, garlic, turmeric, celery juice, and cruciferous vegetables). Also, drink herbal teas like Nettle tea, which is a good blood cleanser.

FROM JUDY: "I feel so much better after eating only fruits and vegetables for breakfast and lunch and allowing myself protein and vegetables in the evening. What has been particularly interesting, is how much better I handle the energy coming through my body when I drink at least 1.5 liters of lemon water in the morning (I also add liquid chlorophyll to the water). However, we do need protein, and after 14-28 days you might want to continue your liver support by eating only fruits and vegetables and no fats before midday."

UNITY COMMUNITY LETTER FROM SIGIRA IN DUBLIN: "Hi Judy, Hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that I have been waking up the last two days without fatigue and able to exercise as well. I have been dragging myself out of bed every day since November due to Chronic Fatigue. The energy that came through on Saturday Night (the night of the 'Ascension & You' event in April) was truly uplifting and healing! Thanks a million and may the divine beings and angels bless you. You mentioned that last week was very tiring for you. I hope that this week is better."

FROM JUDY: "Spirit told me that I was being pushed through a portal to be able to transmit more expanded energy for 'Ascension & You'. I felt utterly exhausted the week before the event, but this week I feel amazing. My liver detox regime has certainly helped."

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 ā€“ The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Soulsā€“ Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet