Sacred Site Tour of Egypt with Judy Satori and Sameeta Nanjiani

Priority Bookings open September 5
General Bookings open September 15 
(information will be emailed. Not a subscriber? Sign up here )

A large number of people have already expressed interest in joining Judy and Sameeta’s tour to Egypt in 2025, so it has been decided to take two 14-night/15-day tour groups: Sunday March  23 - Sunday April 6, and Sunday April 13 - Sunday April 25, 2025. 

For everyone’s personal process and enjoyment, there can only be a maximum of 33 people on each tour. Invitations and information will be emailed on September 5 to those people who joined the Egypt Tour Priority list, with general registration open from September 15. A deposit is required to register, with part of the balance payable in early January and a final balance when you arrive in Egypt.  It’s not too late to JOIN THE PRIORITY LIST.  



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More articles and recordings:

Initiation in the Land of Khem – Egypt 2025 Update

The Beginning our New Alpha to Omega Human and Soul Cycle

NEW in the Library: Purpose, Passion, Peace