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In the first part of this video, John Burgos, Host of Beyond the Ordinary Show shares his story of how he awakened to spirit and the work he now does as a result of this continually evolving experience. Judy and John then discuss how the anchoring of ancient Lemurian energies relates to humankind during these cutting-edge times. 

John created Beyond The Ordinary Show to unite and lead the next generation of transformation, by providing a stage for emerging and provocative spiritual leaders, exposing and bringing light to the shared power of the awakened collective consciousness, you can find out more about the show HERE

The second part of this video includes the guided meditation, "Past Life Meditation" which is originally from the Judy Satori Live section of the Ascension Library.  In the meditation, Judy will guide you back to a previous life on Tara for the purpose of connecting you with something important for your life now, with why you are here, and with your higher purpose and potential.

If you enjoyed this video and you don't yet have Ascension Library membership, try out FREE meditations and energy transmissions on the library's EXPLORE page and experience a taste of the programs that have helped thousands of people HERE.

Feedback from Ascension Library members

Marie H.

"I am blown away by the wondrous beauty of these transmissions of light and love and wisdom. What's more, is that I am finally remembering!"

David A. 

"If someone is willing to work the library, they will find tremendous value and benefit. It is hard to believe that you offer so much for so little cost to make this available to everyone."

Darin S.

"I've only been a member for less than an hour and am already feeling the effects of being here. This space is electric!"

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 2 – Endocrine Gland Upgrade

Extreme Karmic Releasing – Deep-level trauma energy is resurfacing

The Gift of the Pink Moon Vibration of Self-Love with Juliet Herman

The Ascension Library is a PORTAL for Spiritual Advancement

Inside you will discover hundreds of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video event recordings, short courses, e-books, music, and masterclasses. 

Each divinely designed program uses powerful Ultralight energy codes to unlock more of your human potential.


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