On this first day of spring or fall, depending on where you live on the planet, I want to talk with you about what we are all experiencing as we adjust, change and evolve physically, emotionally and in the way that we think about ourselves and about life.



You may feel calm and at peace, especially if you live in a place of stillness and can spend time alone. On the flip side, you may be feeling like you are living life constantly trying to keep your inner balance on a roller coaster of change.


Allow the river of life to take you where you and your soul need to go.

Trust that the river of life, which is like the destiny path guiding your soul, knows where you are meant to go.

Recently I had my own challenge about CREATING AND MAINTAINING BALANCE.

On the plane from Delhi to the United Kingdom, I developed COVID and on arrival tested resoundingly POSITIVE. This rather mucked up my plans! I had to isolate for seven days and then could not seem to recoup my normal energy and strength. I was forced to postpone my planned event in Ireland until next year and return to New Zealand to hunker down at home and get well.

I did not know why I was affected so badly, but after speaking to my naturopath and meditating on this with Spirit I have come to understand that the energies coming at us right now are really tough to navigate. My tour of Ladakh, global travel and getting COVID were too much for a body that is also going through a significant degree of physical and consciousness Ascension change, and I am not alone. Many people just don’t have the physical resilience and stamina to handle it all, as well as the hurly-burly of life.


We must BE KIND TO OURSELVES and have PATIENCE with this Ascension process of change.


These are the hallmarks of becoming A NEW HUMAN...

  • Mood swings (who you are becoming is not who you were)
  • Uncertainty (The past is gone, but the new hasn’t quite come)
  • Fatigue (the cells of the body are changing)
  • Feeling stretched emotionally and confused (also a symptom of the old you fading away and the new you not yet anchored)
  • Headaches (a symptom of COVID, but also of Ascension upgrade changes)
  • Changes in what you want to eat (eat what your body needs and craves)
  • Feeling that what is going on with you is someone else’s fault (projection) 

I want to share with you my current plan for healing and creating a new, upgraded physical and emotional balance.

This plan will help you to anchor in stronger Ascension energies and feel better as you do so.



My Simple Daily Spiritual Plan

This is my twice-a-day energy plan to create BALANCE

1. I say the Prayer of Becoming out loud

When we recite ‘The Prayer of Becoming’ aloud we are anchoring ourselves into the energy of the NEW HUMAN.

May the love of God come into this space, into my mind and into my heart.
In the stillness, let the word of God speak, so that I might hear and come into the presence
Be at Peace. Be at Peace. Be at Peace.
From the heart of God, the heart of the Diamond and the Infinite All
I now receive energies of transformation and enlightenment.
I AM that I AM ... now and forever.

To find the full version of "The Prayer of Becoming" click HERE. I suggest saving or printing out this prayer for your convenience.

2. I Clear my Energy Field
There is a new mantra to do this that I received in Ladakh.

I stretch my arms out full length and say this mantra...

ALLIUM YA SA MA TA (say nine times)

3. I create a powerful Merkaba field of LIGHT around my body.

With my heart mind I connect to God Mind (3x)
With my heart’s love I connect to God’s Love (3x)
13:20:33 platinum diamond merkaba ACTIVATE (blow out with force)

Accelerate rotation 33,000 times God Speed (blow out with force)

Accelerate rotation 66,000 times God Speed (blow out with force)

Accelerate rotation 99,000 times God Speed (blow out with force)

Accelerate rotation 1 million times God Speed (blow out with force)

Accelerate rotation 3 million times God Speed (blow out with force)

Accelerate rotation 9 million times God Speed (blow out with force)


If you are a member of the Ascension Library, you can find a video about the Platinum Diamond Merkaba Meditation HERE. If you are not a member, click HERE to view the video on YouTube. 

4. I strengthen my energy field and add energy protection and resilience by saying:






Please note that this plan works for me and my body and is only given as a guide. I encourage you to consult a qualified naturopath if your body is unwell, under stress, or out of balance.

Boosting Immunity

Most people’s immune system has taken a huge hit with COVID, vaccine mandates, tension and increasing life stressors, as well as physical Ascension changes. For example, I had not previously experienced altitude sickness in Ladakh, but on my recent trip I did and ended up in hospital overnight. My body is not as resilient as it was in 2018 and this is not because I am four years older! It is because it is a body going through significant energy change and under pressure. I am not a naturopath and only offer these suggestions as a guide. In consultation with my New Zealand-based naturopath I am taking daily:

  • Pure water +++ with lemon juice and/or liquid chlorophyll;
  • 2,000 – 3,000 mg of Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin D3 (5,000 units every two days);
  • C0 Q 10 (twice a day);
  • Quercetin;
  • NAC – N Acetyl Cysteine;
  • B12 in the form of a sublingual spray.

I am also taking the herbs astralagus, echinacea and rhodiola in tonic form and nigella (ground black cumin seeds) sprinkled on food.

Helping the Endocrine System Deal with Ascension Changes

The chakras are intimately connected to our endocrine glands. As we open our energy fields to the more powerful Ascension energies now streaming to Earth, the chakra system and the endocrine glands have to adjust and expand their capacity to take in the energy. The endocrine glands under pressure include the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, sex glands and adrenals. The COVID-19 virus will also affect us at our weakest point as the body struggles to regain health and balance. For me, this is my adrenals, with symptoms of exhaustion, headaches, dizziness and tingling in the arms and legs. I personally recommend Dr Wilson’s Adrenal Rebuilder and Dr Wilson’s Super Adrenal Stress Formula which can be found HERE.

The situation of health breakdown that I and many people are experiencing is TEMPORARY.

We ARE breaking through to a new way of being.

We ARE becoming a NEW HUMAN.

Take Heart!

You can get happy and well.

With love, Judy Satori.

Print Judy's Spiritual Daily Plan as a PDF: CLICK HERE 

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 ā€“ The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Soulsā€“ Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet