The energy of beauty, whether it is in nature, watching a beautiful sunset, or admiring a mountain view certainly lifts the spirits. It nurtures the soul, but do you know that the energy of beauty is actually a vibrational frequency too? When we make ourselves or our surroundings beautiful and declutter and simplify our home environment, when we focus on surrounding ourselves with BEAUTY, we are actually helping to shift our own vibrational frequency. This in turn supports our own process of Ascension. We are lifted up through BEAUTY into LOVE, and from love into JOY.  


We sometimes think that we need money to create beauty in our homes, but it doesn’t take money to create beauty. It is about slowing down and taking personal time and space to reflect and just BE with what feels beautiful to you.


It takes mindful, simple daily actions that are renewing and restorative. A single flower in a glass jar on a window sill in the sunshine is truly beautiful. Every time we glance at it throughout the day we are lifted up into beauty.


New in the library this month is a meditation - BEAUTY, LOVE, JOY and LIGHT.  


This meditation can be listened to anytime (You can find it here). It is a calming, uplifting balm to the day and will help to instill these four frequencies into your body and mind.  It is a four-step process; beauty into love, love into joy, and joy into light. When you listen to the meditation these energies will be entrained into your own vibrational frequency. This is what makes this meditation such a supportive Ascension catalyst. 

In kabbalistic teachings, the sixth sephiroth of Tiferet on the Tree of Life represents beauty. It is associated with the sun and symbolizes the integration and harmonious blending of the energy frequencies and characteristics of love, truth, kindness and respect. This meditation will help you TO BE AND BECOME more of these qualities. 


With love,





Beauty, Love, Joy, Light and hundreds of other life-changing transmissions are available as part of Ascension Library membership.

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