Judy Says: If you have been listening to tracks 1-4 reasonably regularly - one track per day on each of four days of the week then you should feel pretty good and way more energized than you probably felt earlier in the year. To make life easy I have merged tracks 1-4 together as one 75 minute recording and cut out most of the English words so that it is primarily energy language. What you can do now is cycle back and forth like this: day one - tracks 1-4 merged and day two - track 5. Go at your own pace and if you miss a day or two just begin again as you feel to do so. You won’t lose the gains that you have made. You might find that you want to take a break and explore other library programs. Be guided by your heart. Energy changes create positive and life enhancing long term physical effects on body and mind and a short rest can allow for these physical changes to consolidate. When you begin again with Light-Life the energy will go deeper and so will the revitalizing effects.
The full 'Light-Life DNA Recoding' program (plus 1000+ other programs, audio & video) is available as part of Library membership!