Events over the past few years have inextricably changed us. By being forced into our homes through lockdowns, we lost connection,  and the normalcy of everyday living became a distant memory. Fearing being near others resulted in abject terror upon hearing a cough or a sneeze. Hugging a warm body became replaced by hugging trees which could do no harm. Whilst nature is majestic and can soothe our souls, it cannot fill the void of being without human contact. 


Seeking the comfort of isolation, the social butterfly went back into the chrysalis. In this dark regressed state, we could not be harmed by the outside world. 


No longer worrying about others due to a lack of interaction, self-care dwindled as we were barely motivated to get out of bed let alone change from pajamas to sweatpants, the new black-tie. Isolation became the norm as we focused on our own survival, fearing leaving our cave for physical nourishment.

Zoom calls became an activity and when we lost our internet connection, starvation mode ensued and we felt disconnected from life. The constant challenge of watching our friends, family, and strangers suffer weighed heavily on our hearts. It felt easier to resign to our four walls as we witnessed our contacts dwindle due to focusing on themselves. By shifting from being concerned about individual needs vs. societal, we felt falsely reassured that we were moving into self-preservation. Separation became the blueprint and with few or no contacts, non-dualism wandered into extinction. The existence of ‘we’ was replaced by the safety of isolation for ‘me’.

Eventually, many of us succumbed to the emotional pain of loneliness. This disconnection has made us feel invisible, insignificant, and like no one would care if we disappeared. 


Being cut off from the world and alone, we were not aware how instead of feeling different, we were the same as everyone else. This morphed into a shared experience if only we could venture beyond the walls around our hearts.


The song was wrong: “One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do”. Sometimes you need to be forced inside to discover who you really are. By taking the time to be still, your inner GPS becomes an empowering exploration into internal validation. An identification of your gifts, desires, and role in societal expansion.

Armed with this wisdom, you can hear the rallying cry for community. Our job becomes linking our hearts to mend the broken chain to All That Is. We are no longer lost but found as we collectively join forces to plug into the ultimate power Source. When we belong to a community of like-minded BE-ings, we feel seen, understood, and that we matter. We inhale the comfort of connection and on the exhale, we release isolation and loneliness.

Are you wondering where to find the right community that aligns with your purpose? The search is over! 

All are welcome in this judgment-free space where you can safely express yourself exactly as you are. You Belong to this tribe of powerful lightworkers using the teachings of Judy Satori to make a difference in your family, community, and the world. ðŸ’ž 


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Feedback from Ascension Library members

Marie H.

"I am blown away by the wondrous beauty of these transmissions of light and love and wisdom. What's more, is that I am finally remembering!"

David A. 

"If someone is willing to work the library, they will find tremendous value and benefit. It is hard to believe that you offer so much for so little cost to make this available to everyone."

Darin S.

"I've only been a member for less than an hour and am already feeling the effects of being here. This space is electric!"

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 2 – Endocrine Gland Upgrade

Extreme Karmic Releasing – Deep-level trauma energy is resurfacing

The Gift of the Pink Moon Vibration of Self-Love with Juliet Herman

The Ascension Library is a PORTAL for Spiritual Advancement

Inside you will discover hundreds of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video event recordings, short courses, e-books, music, and masterclasses. 

Each divinely designed program uses powerful Ultralight energy codes to unlock more of your human potential.


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