From Judy: A new transmission designed to help to detoxify the blood was added to the Library during August. I asked Spirit to transmit the correct frequencies to nullify a range of blood profile abnormalities after I spoke with a blood laboratory representative who asked me whether anything could be done to help to detoxify the blood. 

You will find this recording in your library as a separate item. If you're not a member and you'd like to experience this recording for free, visit this page. (Feel free to share this link with you friends and family who you think could benefit from Detox for the Blood)

According to a blood laboratory in Auckland, New Zealand, nanoparticles and other inorganic substances have been showing up in people’s blood since the pandemic. A control group of people who are unwell and have blood abnormalities have been listening to the Blood Detox recording that I made daily for the past month. Recently, when their blood was re-analyzed, it appeared that the blood profile was normalizing, which is wonderful to see. This recording may help those people who have been chronically unwell feel better, however, no claims are made that this recording will heal or treat disease.  


Detox for the Blood and hundreds of other transformative transmissions are available as part of Ascension Library Membership.

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