Judy says: in my 25 years of energy work as a multi-dimensional channel I have had to focus on my physical body to remain strong and healthy and adapt to the energy constantly flowing through me. I want to share from my personal experience inexpensive, plant-based support for healthy well-being. 


Turmeric/ginger/apple juice


2 – 4 oz organic apple juice – or 50/50 water + juice

1 tsp organic turmeric powder (3g)

1 tsp organic ginger powder (3g)

1 tsp flax seed oil (for better absorption)


I shake it up and drink it first thing in the morning. 


What it does:

One of the major issues with the Ascension process is that it is hard on the body. Karmic clearing and physical changes contribute to inflammation and this can exacerbate chronic physical issues. 

Turmeric and especially its most active constituent curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory with many proven health benefits. Research studies have shown that it may benefit arthritis, depression, kidney issues, eye health, and more. 


Disclaimer: Judy Satori is not qualified to give medical advice. She is speaking from her own personal use and experience. Consult your doctor if you have health issues and/ or are on medication.


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