energy transmission meditation

Most people that I speak to are feeling rather lost right now.  It is hard to make decisions when you don't seem to know what the right decision is for yourself.  This is because it’s not really time to make decisions, it’s time to be with what is and trust the process of change.

Spirit has asked me to record a special message of love and support to give you hope and understanding about what we are all experiencing right now and to help you walk your path ahead.  

They have also asked me to bring forward a meditation, along with a rain of blessings, from Beyond the Beyond.  There are 4 major blessings, including energy from Yeshua, Lady Mary, Mary Magdalene, and the Choir of Angels.  This second recording also includes a Solstice blessing, which will bring for abundance light and love for the beginning of your new year.  Click on the image above to listen to the recording of “A Rain of Blessings from Spirit”

The final transmission is a blessing in this recording is from the Arcturians, the Arturians are a “Christed Star Nation” that works hard to support us emotionally and physically.  Their gift and blessing this festive season is to enable us to see the way forward with clarity; the Arcturians want us to understand more about our purpose, path, and direction as we move through the new year.

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 ā€“ The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Soulsā€“ Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet