Dear starseekers,

Spring is all about rebirth, new life, and new beginnings. How appropriate, since there is a total solar eclipse set to occur at 2.21 pm on Monday April 8th. The number 8 is all about beneficial happenings and abundance, so watch this space!


This is what Spirit has to say: 


The entire month of April is a time of powerful new beginnings. What has held you back from shining your Light is being released very quickly now. Let your fears, anxieties and doubts dissolve into the NOTHINGNESS that they actually are – pure illusion. See any current anxieties like a paper tiger – not real – a figment of past anxiety that is clouding your authentic truth and insights in the NOW. Walk into your future with your head held high. Let the truth of your loving heart guide you forward. 


Library Recommendation for this month: Trusting Self 



April 10 – A Message from the Dragons 


As many of you know, I am holding a two-day, in-person-only event in Sydney on April 6-7. “The Magic and Alchemy of the Illuminated Dragons” will be a co-creation between me and James Jereb from Santa Fe who is a visionary artist. The 22 Illuminated Dragons who will be joining us I have yet to meet!   👉 More Information 

I greatly appreciate all the valued members of my Ascension Library. Therefore, I will be letting the Dragons speak to bring you a short recording of their choice, which will be released into the Library on Wednesday, April 10, out of gratitude to all of you.



The Library as a Chalice


The Ascension Library is like a sacred chalice of the most transformative information and energy transmissions that I have received from Spirit over the years.  Each recording is designed to help us gracefully navigate the incredible process of Ascension change that we are all going through. Therefore the programs housed in the library are perennial and timeless. The recordings in the Library will be just as effective as energy tools for transformation in 100 years as they are today. No program is ‘old’. They have just been brought through me as the spiritual conduit at different times, as determined by the energies on the planet and what is needed to assist people to move forward.  


New recordings are regularly added to the library. The second episode of Light-Life DNA Recoding, Endocrine Gland Advancement, is NEWLY ADDED TODAY. Watch the March 27 Judy Live  teaching session replay where I explain why and how this energy is changing us physically and how to use this powerful physical regeneration energy work for optimal results. 


With the exception of Anchoring the Codes of Light, which was designed as an online product to be added to the Library, my live in-person events, held in many locations worldwide, are not usually added to the library. Some of my in-person teaching may however be post-produced and eventually made available for online purchase. 


Have a wonderful start into your spring and this season of rebirth. I will be right there alongside you. 


With love and light,




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More articles and recordings:

Coming Event – Judy at Glebe House, Dublin

Finding the Way of the Soul – Activating truth within heart and mind

Initiation in the Land of Khem – Egypt 2025 Update