audio recording understanding ascension

Many of you will begin to feel much better than you have in months, both physically and emotionally. I've been given this message for all of us from Saint Germain.

Blessed Be. With love and light, I greet you. Take into yourself, the certain knowing that your inner freedom is at hand.

You are being guided and restored, and as your physical body returns to harmony and balance, so you will increasingly come to know yourself as RADIATING LIGHT in the body... Speak these words often...

"Adonai, Essaya, Amenti."

Translation: God's creation generates (me).

In his lifetime in the 18th century, the Ascended Master, Comte de St. Germain, was known as the wonder man of Europe as he never seemed to age. He was in fact a master energy alchemist and he has been part of my teachings on many occasions, including the teaching session Finding your Way with St Germain that is part of the Codes of Light series in the Ascension Library. 

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 ā€“ The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Soulsā€“ Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet