audio recording regenesis transmissions

If you're feeling stuck, frustrated, and really at an "impasse" with an issue in your life, this Regenesis Transmission will help to un-stick you and get you moving forward QUICKLY.

This audio explores what is causing these doubts, fears, and anxieties to surface now.  We examine how you may be experiencing this pattern "playing out" to get your attention and what to do if you're getting to, or at that point of "breakdown"???

FROM JUDY: "Sometimes we feel we can't do it.  We lose our confidence.  We lose our way.  We think we're doing all the right things by sending the emails, making the calls and seeing the people.  But there is an energy block within us and it doesn't connect with what we're trying to achieve."

Access the full Regenesis Transmissions series by Starting a Membership Today! 

The energy transmissions in episode 18 of the Regenesis Transmissions series will help break down your resistances and diminish the fears and anxieties keeping you stuck.  Experience a powerful way to finally CLEAR THE DOUBT 🌟 and energetically shift to really feeling "I CAN DO IT!" _ Love Judy 💜



This was a comment from Lavern, one of our Library Members 🙌

"I logged into the library this morning intending to listen to another program when I came across this Regenesis Transmission.  This must be divine timing because although I have been following the Creation Trilogy, I have felt as if I have reached an impasse as my anxieties around my creations have intensified and I have been doubting my ability to create and therefore transform areas of my life.  I know this is because past karmic trauma is raising to the surface to be released, but at the same time it's not a helpful state to be in.

I have listened to both parts of this transmission, which I have found to be extremely powerful and profound.  By the end of the transmissions, it's as if the worries and anxieties have been experiencing have just melted away, to be replaced by positivity and optimism.

Also, within an hour of listening to the transmissions, I received confirmation of a step I need to take in order to help me move forward with my manifestations.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what else unfolds with continued use of these transmissions. 🙏 Thank you so much Judy.🌟 "


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Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 – The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Souls– Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet