Breaking Through is a six-weekĀ seriesĀ of channeled information and energy transmissions for physical and consciousness transformation hosted by Judy Satori.Ā 



ALCHEMY is a complete change of state that occurs as if by magic. Episode Four of the “Breaking Through” series delivers ULTRALIGHT energy transmissions to literally recreate us to become so much more than we currently know ourselves to be as human beings. >>> START by listening to the FULL video recording above.

The Ultralight energy from Source Creation is very powerful. It goes deeper and clears more quickly! Recalibration and inner change. A time to be still and to BE. A time to trust the process, to take heart, to open the heart, to rejoice. It is not so hard to trust when you are supported by divine process and when you feel and know that this support is with you.

- Intense inner change
- Physical, emotional and consciousness recalibration
- An expansion of who you know yourself to be 
- A release of the old to begin the new
- Stillness, peace, compassion, love

Each part of the six-part sequence is part of the WHOLE PROCESS.  That process is the alchemy of BREAKING THROUGH, feeling different about ourselves and life, and ATTRACTING the energy that WE ARE BECOMING.  

In this episode Judy talks about her book 'SUNSHINE BEFORE THE DAWN' >>> CLICK HERE <<< to learn more.

Expanded listening and Practice Plan

 After you watch the video of this episode, you will probably feel a stillness, a sense of calm and inner peace that you may never have felt before. For the next seven days try to be still and quiet as often as possible. Much inner change is happening behind the scenes on all levels of body, mind and soul. Alchemy is a process of recalibration.

Just like a caterpillar in the chrysalis, you won't know right now what kind of 'butterfly' human being you are set to become. Therefore, surrender to this process of change, do the homework, and just allow yourself to BE.
During the seven weeks of “Breaking Through” recalibration don't make changes in your life. Trust the process and wait.

If you experience uncomfortable physical sensations, or if emotions surface, just relax and TRUST and ALLOW. Understand that all of us have blocked karmic, miasmic energy held deep within all aspects of us. We must release the old to make way for the NEW. 

ALCHEMY Pyramid Technique

Included in this episode is a very powerful new meditation technique called the ALCHEMY pyramid. I have kept it with the edited audio recordings to add to the effects of the process and provide context.

Practise doing this meditation on your own. It will expand your energy vibration very quickly if you practise every day for 11 minutes. We BECOME the energy vibration that WE ARE resonating at.

Read over and practise. Use a timer, if you wish, for 11 minutes, or time it as you wish.

1) Place your hands crossed over your heart chakra.

2) Shut your eyes and imagine that you are consciously creating a beautiful platinum-silver pyramid overlaid with a shimmering pale silver-blue over the upper part of your body.

3) The base is level with your heart, and the apex is three feet above your head, at the outer limits of your auric field.

As you breathe in, say the word PEACE to yourself and consciously and deliberately feel the emotion of PEACE.

Focus on sending the PEACE energy out around your body so that you are sitting within an auric bubble of peace. After a few minutes of breathing and creating in this way, expand into BLISS by saying again the word BLISS softly to yourself and feeling yourself shift into, and merge with, the energy vibration.

Sit in this energy as long as you feel is right for you. 

BREAKING THROUGH … a spiritually guided six-week process of transformation, to  prepare you physically and emotionally to write a new chapter of your life's story and adapt with strength and resilience.

Ep1: Self-Revelation

Who are you REALLY? Remember your authentic soul and human truth in step one of a six part BREAKING THROUGH series.

Ep2: Seeding Change

Transform into a stronger, resilient human being, so we can begin to co-create together with greater insight and inspiration.

Ep3: Enlightenment

Powerful energy transmissions to uplift and expand consciousness to allow you to move through the alchemy of transformation. 

Ep4: Alchemy

A process of recalibration and inner change. A time to be still and to BE ... to trust the process and take heart.  Open your heart and rejoice.

Ep5: Metamorphosis

What is possible for you in your new expanded world? Be energetically empowered to step forward on a path of purpose and DO IT! 

Ep6: Expanded Vision

Inspiration, excitement and passion for new possibilities of creation .. NOT from force of will, but from the grace of BEING AS YOU ARE.

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and evolve into a more expanded expression of YOU?


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