Breaking Through is a six-weekĀ seriesĀ of channeled information and energy transmissions for physical and consciousness transformation hosted by Judy Satori.Ā 


EPISODE 6 | Expanded Vision


In the final episode of “Breaking Through” we begin to galvanize a new direction in our lives.  In the three weeks after listening and repeatedly entraining the energetic changes by listening, greater clarity will come...  Synchronicities and new opportunity will JUST HAPPEN.

During the METAMORPHOSIS after Episode 5, you may have felt strong vibration in your body and you may have been very tired as change has been occurring at a cellular and a DNA level.  In this episode, you will discover the golden box ‘gift’ for everyone that lies beyond the “Breaking Through” process.

The colour vibrations of the butterflies that you were asked to imagine and create in Episode 5 have created a colour overlay of vibration that will now mesh and bring forth your future human and soul self, according to your soul destiny plan and its resonance.

EXPANDED VISION is like the process of metamorphosis or alchemy finally being revealed.  It is important now to GROUND this process of energy change with greater understanding and sharing from our global community of how the process of “Breaking Through” has been for you. 

The “Ascension and You” Breaking Through special will discuss the process, anchor the energetic changes, and discuss ‘real world’ action steps that we can all take to continue to walk our evolving Ascension Path with flexibility, greater ease and most importantly, happiness and peace.


  • Pineal gland opening and activation.
  • Energy blessings.
  • The beginning of the building of the ‘tree’ of our new upgraded human selves.
  • The energy catalyst of ‘taking flight’.
  • Expanded spontaneity, creativity, synchronicity, new vision, passion, excitement, faith, less effort, greater ease ... MAGIC HAPPENING. 

START by listening to the FULL video recording above...


Expanded listening and Practice Plan


After your first listening, to fully anchor and instil this energy permanently you’re your consciousness, help the cells of your body vibrate with added hope, and bring forward into conscious recall and knowing more of the positive attributes of your past life soul experience, you only need to listen five times to the edited energy transmissions (below) to ground and consolidate the energy.

This is important because at the moment we are like delicate seedlings being transplanted.  We need to be nurtured and cared for by the energy at this critical period of change.  You can listen five times in one day, or over a few days.  It doesn't really matter.   JUST LISTEN!

BREAKING THROUGH … a spiritually guided six-week process of transformation, to  prepare you physically and emotionally to write a new chapter of your life's story and adapt with strength and resilience.

Ep1: Self-Revelation

Who are you REALLY? Remember your authentic soul and human truth in step one of a six part BREAKING THROUGH series.

Ep2: Seeding Change

Transform into a stronger, resilient human being, so we can begin to co-create together with greater insight and inspiration.

Ep3: Enlightenment

Powerful energy transmissions to uplift and expand consciousness to allow you to move through the alchemy of transformation. 

Ep4: Alchemy

A process of recalibration and inner change. A time to be still and to BE ... to trust the process and take heart.  Open your heart and rejoice.

Ep5: Metamorphosis

What is possible for you in your new expanded world? Be energetically empowered to step forward on a path of purpose and DO IT! 

Ep6: Expanded Vision

Inspiration, excitement and passion for new possibilities of creation .. NOT from force of will, but from the grace of BEING AS YOU ARE.

Are you ready to activate your true Human DNA potential
and evolve into a more expanded expression of YOU?


Ascension is the path of consciously choosing to step up to a higher level of light, expanding your human experience. Library membership gives you access to my most popular programs, to clear karmic distortion, activate DNA + balance body and mind.

©   Ascension Library Ltd.