Judy Satori is an author, Ascension teacher and activator of Human potential

"If anyone had told me 25 years ago when I worked in Public Relations that I would one day speak and translate the Arcturian language, or any of the multi-dimensional light languages that I speak, I would not have believed them!

My work with Spirit was not something I ever knew was coming, or ever planned to do. My life changed one day in March 1996 when I followed a calling to attend a ‘Learn to Channel’ workshop in Auckland, New Zealand."


Judy explains how the "energy" works and how "light languages"  are transmitted from multi-galactic guides and ascended masters. 

Judy shares her experience working with the human energy field. And shares an energy transmission to assist with balance and purpose.


Sunshine Before the Dawn reads and appears like a work of fiction, but every word was telepathically transmitted.

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Adventures with Spirit

Take a spiritual pilgrimage to activation points on the planet with sacred teaching and energy transmissions. Now available in this Portal.

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Listen to Judy as guest speaker on a range of global summits, podcasts, and featured in our own Ascension Library productions.

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Judy has thousands of testimonials from people worldwide who have been positively influenced to be more capable and happier humans.

"I have never been so altered by any kind of healing before. When you spoke the light language I felt intense rapid eye movement and a full body vibration. I had been sick with some kind of digestive issues and came here for the toxin clearing. This is day 3 and I have no more symptoms I have struggled with for a month. "

Robin P.

Ascension Library Member

"Beloved Judy made a huge difference in my life. My heart opened to life like a rose blossoming and filling the air with its perfume. I found my soul purpose and the most intimate and passionate relationship of my life has started.

It became easier not to judge others and see the best in people. I happened to have the clarity of the mind and the perception of the heart to see clearly and beyond what seemed to be obvious. "

Lalitya. A

Ascension Library Member

"I do your meditations daily and I'm seeing huge results. You are correct when you say your body will be restructured thru these activations! I have lost 40lbs without trying, just by doing activation. It's absolutely amazing!!"

Sarah S.

Ascension Library Member

Sunshine Before The Dawn

Why We’re Here and What We’ve Come to Do

Every word in Sunshine Before the Dawn was telepathically transmitted to Judy Satori by higher dimensional beings of Light. The story claims to be true, but it is up to you, the reader to decide.

The words are coded - your heart will respond and you will begin to remember why you came to Earth. Sunshine Before the Dawn will open you to a more expanded awareness of your path and your purpose.

"Sunshine Before the Dawn is a love story between the Siriun woman Essayenya and Mosteenya, Lyran leader of the Galactic Council. it is also the story of how human beings were created 100,000 years ago as a joint initiative between the Star Nations of our Milky Way Galaxy and the Elohim, the God Creators and brought to seed the Earth with a more advanced genetic code.

The years 2020-2033 encompass a period of powerful divinely planned Ascension activation. We see much change occurring within ourselves and globally in world affairs."

Sunshine Before the Dawn is a book for today’s people and today’s world, to help us all reconnect to our authentic soul truth and stand in the heart centred power of who we really are. It is the divine right time for our human Avatar genetic code to be activated to switch on and express.

Sunshine before the Dawn is currently available via ebook.

It is available in a range of digital formats and languages - pdf, Kindle, and ebook format available in English, German, Polish & Japanese.


The ebook is INCLUDED as part of any paid Ascension Library membership. 


Kowhai – Sophora (Native New Zealand Tree)

“The name ‘kowhai’ is the New Zealand Maori word for yellow. The striking yellow flowers suddenly appear on the barren branches of the tree to herald the beginning of spring.

I have used this flower in my logo design and on the website because to me beautiful flowers suddenly appearing on bare branches is symbolic of the process of metamorphosis and spiritual magic that is occurring for all of humanity at this springtime of a new 26,000 year Great Age.”

 ~Judy Satori 


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