ultralight video recording

We are now beginning to access a new fifth-dimensional energy spectrum, bringing forth stronger, more powerful energies of Ascension transformation.  Spirit calls this energy ULTRALIGHT.  These new activation energies will pave the way for us all to be able to access more of our authentic soul self.

I first experienced Ultralight energy when I was visiting the Bosnia Pyramids in May 2019.  It seems that this new energy is a bridge to the more powerful Ascension energies that will continue to intensify until 2033.

Ultralight was a key feature of my LIVE event in Perth for Ascension Library Members.  I invite you to take some time out to experience the powerful energy activation energies that came through, especially in the second part of the evening.

We are on a journey to JOY.  As we change within ourselves, it is bringing up a lot of emotional release in us, and emotional reactions towards abuse from others.

Old ways of being are shaking free.  BE STILL... GO WITHIN... TAKE TIME TO JUST BE... TO EXPECT THE VERY BEST... IT’S COMING.


More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 ā€“ The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Soulsā€“ Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet