adventures with spirit spiritual awakening

Today: Imagine You're Dancing... As I write on the first of May, I see in my mind’s eye an image of a maypole.  Maypole dancing is a May Day tradition still celebrated in parts of England and Europe 

It is believed to have started in Roman Britain around 2,000 years ago when soldiers celebrated the arrival of spring by dancing around decorated trees thanking their goddess Flora.  Originally the maypole was a living tree, but over time a tree trunk was used as the pole, representing masculine energy, adorned with brightly colored ribbons and floral garlands, representing the feminine. 

On this May Day, I feel excited and inspired, because I am returning to Ladakh soon, a remote and ancient Buddhist Kingdom in northern India. The thought of returning to Ladakh is like springtime for my heart. In Ladakh, I feel truly at peace, like I have come home.

Ladakh, long known as "little Tibet", is a land of stark, dramatic terrains and mystical Buddhist monasteries.  It’s a contrast between very high mountain ranges and vast open plains, with picturesque villages dotted like little patches of green along the banks of the Indus river that gives lifeblood to the land.


✨ This Feature Article is part of Judy's Ascension Life eMagazine, you can read the full magazine HERE or OPT-IN on the left side bar on this page to have it delivered monthly to your INBOX ✨

For me, returning to Ladakh is a rite of passage as I prepare to enter the next chapter of my own life.

I know that those who feel chosen by their heart to come will also experience a process of profound spiritual and personal transformation. 

We’re going to be receiving the Blessings of Maitreya, future Buddha, to usher in our future self. 

✨ As I write these words, this is what I am being told✨ 

“When you said farewell, you did not expect to return, but we, the ancient ones of this land, knew that you would.  You are coming of age.  You have lived 70 summers and now we are preparing you for your future life and your future work.  In your years upon the Earth, you have known yourself to be a certain way and you have identified with this rather fixed and limited aspect of self.

Now you are being prepared to go way beyond where you have been and who you have known yourself to be.  In Ladakh, the Blessings of Maitreya will be given to you and through you to those who are ‘chosen’ to accompany you.  All of you are coming home to a more authentic and upgraded version of self and in that homecoming, there is a new beginning for you all.” 

🌟 I am a little taken aback by the use of the word "chosen", but these are the words I am hearing.  What I am hearing is that if you are meant to come to Ladakh you and your soul will JUST KNOW🌟

Our 14-day, 13-night adventure in Ladakh is divinely designed.  This process of spiritual initiation will first help you to "remember" who you really are as a timeless soul, then you will be energetically prepared and empowered to step into the highest, most evolved aspect of your soul’s I AM presence.  Our journey will also explore the awe-inspiring beauty of Ladakh and get to know its people and its ancient culture.

This is an opportunity to experience a profound process of spiritual initiation and transformation, during which very advanced energy transmissions and information will be transmitted.  These initiations will follow the sacred cycle of creation; Water, Fire, Earth and Air.  Our time in this process will be overshadowed by Maitreya and others of the spiritual hierarchy. 

💕 With love and blessings🙏

Judy Satori. 

🌟 Even if you are not coming on the journey to Ladakh, you can get a taste of the energy by taking the 13-day virtual tour "Search for the Golden Tara", which is in the library. Find out more here → 🌟

This series of recordings with accompanying documentary-style videos is also a spiritual initiation process. Golden Tara will help you step into your future purpose. "Search for the Golden Tara" was recorded LIVE on location at Buddhist temples and other sacred sites in Ladakh in the Indian Himalayas.

Feedback from Ascension Library members

Marie H.

"I am blown away by the wondrous beauty of these transmissions of light and love and wisdom. What's more, is that I am finally remembering!"

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Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 2 – Endocrine Gland Upgrade

Extreme Karmic Releasing – Deep-level trauma energy is resurfacing

The Gift of the Pink Moon Vibration of Self-Love with Juliet Herman

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