As I write It is seven years ago today, 7th July 2012, a sunny summer morning In Provence that I first explored the ancient forest of La Sainte Baume, and climbed the 150 steps to the cave chapel dedicated to St Mary Magdalene.  Mary is said to have lived in the grotto for 30 years following the crucifixion after her arrival in southern France, known in those days as Gaul.

Mary Magdalene arrived at the present-day town of Saintes-Maries-de- la- Mer in the Camargue region of southern France with her companions Mary of Clopas, Mary Salome and Sarah, thought to have been her Egyptian maid as well as some of the other disciples.

As I climbed the stone steps I felt Mary talking to me telepathically in my mind. She spoke to me of a set of teachings that she called ‘Transcripts’ and asked me to return in the winter when she would speak to me some more. 

In February 2013 I returned again to La Sainte Baume, which literally means in French, “the sainted cave”.  I stayed at the Hostellerie de la Sainte Baume, the monastery run by Dominican friars at the foot of the mountain.  Every day I walked in the snow through the forest and Mary would come to me to dictate and explain three sets of teachings about love , beginning with the fundamentals of balancing love within the heart and then opening into greater happiness, peace and joy.  

She explained to me that people sometimes feel blocked around being able to feel, receive and give love and that this was often because they had experienced situations in life that had blocked the heart chakra energetically.  These energy blocks are released and the heart chakra balanced in the first part of the transcripts, which then allows for an energetic opening into joy and the creation of a happier, heart centred life.

The lessons from Mary Magdalene formed the basis of my three-step Transcripts of Mary Magdalene program: The Fundamental Aspects of Love; Being Love – Gateway to Joy and Joy is Love Expressed.  I wrote and recorded Mary’s teachings as three sets of audio recordings, information delivered along with energy transmissions that are advanced energy words of sound and light transmitted through me as the conduit from Mary Magdalene.

When you listen to Mary’s words the energy will balance four fundamental aspects of the love vibration within you to do with being able to access and listen to the wisdom of the heart, to feel compassion and loving-kindness for yourself and others, and to stand in your heart centred strength. 

This program will break you open, break you free, and balance the love nature within you. To learn more about the Transcripts of Mary Magdalene program and for some free audio 'tasters', click HERE.

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 3 ā€“ The Blood, River of New Life

July: A New Way Forward

Protection for Sensitive Soulsā€“ Lightworkers Call May 8 with Juliet