ASCENSION is not going up, or going anywhere. It is a process of personal transformation and human evolutionary upgrade. 

"It doesn’t matter really what happened to us in countless past lives.  What matters is that the karmic energy distortion that sabotages us in this life gets released."

The channeled information and energy transmissions on this site are designed to push delete on sabotaging and limiting patterns of thought and belief, so you can begin a new chapter, both in your human life and in your eternal life of the soul.


Are you ready to upgrade your ascension?

Join today for access to over 1000 audio and video recordings, courses, LIVE calls with Judy, special events and more!

Monthly Membership

Monthly Membership

Monthly Membership

Monthly Membership

USD $33


AUD $50

INR ₹2700





  • 1000+ Energy Transmissions
  • 38 Programs and Masterclasses
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Satori
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Sator's Global Community
  • Low Cost Membership


  • 1000+ Energy Transmissions
  • 38 Programs and Masterclasses
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Satori
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Sator's Global Community
  • Low Cost Membership


  • 1000+ Energy Transmissions
  • 38 Programs and Masterclasses
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Satori
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Sator's Global Community
  • Low Cost Membership
  • 1000+ Energy Transmissions
  • 38 Programs and Masterclasses
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Satori
  • Monthly Live Calls With Judy Sator's Global Community
  • Low Cost Membership



What's included with Ascension Library Membership?

Healing the Pain will help you if you have been oppressed, dominated, victimised, or controlled, in this, or past lives

The projected energy of other people leaves a mark of trauma vibration on the soul. Healing the Pain will clear this energy distortion. The program will also help you if you have had to hide your light to appease others, have been sexually abused, or condemned 

This Meditation from the Healing the Pain program in the Ascension Library will help you regain your personal power

Regeneration Secrets is a series of energy transmissions to re-balance the mind and the physical body


Regeneration Secrets will help you feel more vital, connected and empowered. It is a foundation program for a happy and healthy life.

The program is kept deliberately simple to use to incorporate into your busy schedule. Featuring five 20-30 minute meditations that are listened to over five consecutive days and then repeated as desired.


Be All You Can Be and More is a powerful program that pushes delete on subconscious patterns that act to sabotage your creation of YOU!!!


Users of this program report increased creativity, lateral thinking, improved problem solving, better memory, clarity of thought and more vitality & energy.  All you need to do is listen for 15 minutes per day.

“It’s time to move beyond limitation and let go of the traumatic effects of past and present life experience.”  - Judy


Be prepared to access transformative energies from a more expanded matrix of divine creation 

Are you ready to activate a new direction for your life?

Then this powerful series of 20 teachings will assist you on your path of purpose, with topics ranging from multi-galactic and personal connection to serendipity and synchronicity.


Connect with our evolving Human story in the European Activation Series.
The series features five keynote presentations recorded live in Dublin, London, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. Watch the Multi-Galactic Connection and Advancement, recorded in Amsterdam in the video below 👇 


Each event provided a new understanding of Ascension as a new wave of very transformative energy is streaming to Earth and increasing in intensity until 2033.

This series includes full recording notes and ALL energy transmissions, have been split out from the main recording for easy listening and is also available for purchase ... click the link below for more.


Are you ready to activate your Library Membership?

In the library portal, you will discover a curated selection of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video events, short-courses, e-books, and master-classes created by Judy Satori.  These 'energy tools' from Spirit, are designed to activate your human potential and anchor Ascension energies.


Becoming God/Goddess, really made me feel like a Goddess!!! The energy really amplified me to the next level of my own unique abilities with my light language.


I love the way Judy guides us, through the path of Ascension and am happy and honoured to have this opportunity!
That is to be blessed!


Each cell of my being & my heart chakra were resonating with these powerful frequencies. Thank you so much for your love & these Divine Energies!

21 Keys Member

Any Questions

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