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The 2nd Edition of Sunshine Before the Dawn will be published in 2023. The digital version remains available and is included with Ascension Library membership.

"I am re-editing Sunshine Before the Dawn as I always felt when I wrote this book a decade ago that I would want to add new information that back then I was not party to and did not then know.

I also feel that the time to get this story out to more people is NOW. What was required in 2012 was for me to help people to understand the bigger picture of life, where we came from to Earth and why we are here.

Now my purpose in re-editing this story is to open the way for two more books that are part of Essayenya’s soul lineage and bring her evolving story into current time events and insights for the future of Earth and humanity. So, there will be a series of books."

❤️ Judy Satori 🙏

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Please click one of the buttons below to download a .zip file containing several digital options ... PDF, Kindle, and e-book version of Sunshine Before the Dawn.

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"Judy Satori's Ascension Library is One of a kind! ... AMAZING and I use it often.
The light language is extremely healing on every level and it has helped me to minimize my ascension symptoms. I can dance and be in Joy almost every day! "

Beata Radwanski
Library Member from Poland

"I have never been so altered by any kind of healing before. When you spoke the light language I felt intense rapid eye movement and a full body vibration ... this is day 3 and I have no more symptoms I have struggled with for a month."

Robin P.
Ascension Library Member

"I do your meditations daily and I'm seeing huge results. You are correct when you say your body will be restructured thru these activations! I have lost 40lbs without trying, just by doing activation. It's absolutely amazing!!"

Sarah S.
Ascension Library Member

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