ascension expansion
What is the Ascension Library for you

What is the Ascension Library for you? How would you describe it to a spiritual seeker who had never heard of it?

I am writing from my experience of being a long-time library member and at the same time to invite you to share your answers to these questions with me.

I would really like to know how you see the Library. It will help me when I am on the "Sunday Calls of Inspiration" to provide more support and a better understanding of how to use the library. These Sunday Calls are a fantastic place to discuss anything which is on your mind or in your heart, and feel lighter and happier as a result. We discuss our different ideas, and which recordings we use from the Ascension Library to move forward.

It is a sacred space to feel loved, seen, heard and understood. Even if you don't share or speak, you are with us right then in that moment of time and part of us.


I would like to share how I see the Ascension Library:


For me, the library is a toolbox, a box of energy support that I open daily and have a look at, asking myself, what is the best tool today to repair and fix my problem, or help me have a beautiful day? Sometimes I like a quick fix, so I use an easy tool and sometimes I decide that I really want to fix my whole problem, so I get the right tool out and work with it more intensely. You can also look at the Ascension Library like a box of chocolates, where you ask yourself, what kind of taste would I like to have today? Sometimes you like that taste so much that you keep eating the chocolate truffles, ie listening to the recordings in a complete program or pathway, until you feel satisfied. Sometimes you might decide, oh let’s try something else and go off in another direction to a completely different corner of your chocolate box, ie section of the library, to try a new and different piece.

🌟If you are presented with a box of chocolates, you don’t ask someone to tell you which to choose. You would take from the chocolate box what you feel drawn to choose and the flavour you like best?

🌟Maybe by following the same intuitive pull you will also be guided to a recording that is perfect for you on any given day and get exactly what you need?

🌟After all, aren't we all an aspect of God in our body and the creator of our lives?

What I love about the Ascension Library is that Judy Satori gives me the power to let me choose what I need, when I need it!

There are hundreds of recordings to choose from. As we look forward to 2023 we are being called to step into our AUTHENTIC MASTERY OF SELF and we need to connect into that truth of ourselves.


By creating the Ascension Library, Judy has provided us with a very valuable gift from Spirit, a toolbox of energy support to help us to be the very best we can be and live happy, healthy and productive lives.


What I have truly seen over the years is how far I have come in life since I met Judy 20 years ago, because EVERY TIME I listen to any recording the energy goes deeper and I benefit more. Say YES to yourself and take action! Join me and others from the Ascension Library Community on “The Sunday Calls of Inspiration”.

It’s a safe space where we discuss how the library recordings have affected us and hear about one another’s experiences. I talk about how I use the Ascension Library programs and how to get maximum benefit from Judy’s work. I hope that I can inspire you to see the Ascension Library as a fun, easy, and exciting place to be by choosing a nice piece of chocolate, which makes you feel lighter and happier and leaves a nice ‘aftertaste’ in your mind, body and heart.

If you'd like to share your thoughts to my questions, please write to me in the Ascension Library under the 'Ascension Community' button, which then leads you to another page to choose from, the 'General Discussion' section. There you can read what others have to say and share your own thoughts.

Much love, light and inspiration to you.

Anabell Ariah

Feedback from Ascension Library members

Marie H.

"I am blown away by the wondrous beauty of these transmissions of light and love and wisdom. What's more, is that I am finally remembering!"

David A. 

"If someone is willing to work the library, they will find tremendous value and benefit. It is hard to believe that you offer so much for so little cost to make this available to everyone."

Darin S.

"I've only been a member for less than an hour and am already feeling the effects of being here. This space is electric!"

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 2 – Endocrine Gland Upgrade

Extreme Karmic Releasing – Deep-level trauma energy is resurfacing

The Gift of the Pink Moon Vibration of Self-Love with Juliet Herman

The Ascension Library is a PORTAL for Spiritual Advancement

Inside you will discover hundreds of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video event recordings, short courses, e-books, music, and masterclasses. 

Each divinely designed program uses powerful Ultralight energy codes to unlock more of your human potential.


©   Ascension Library Ltd.