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The Gift of Self Love

FROM JUDY SATORI: This article is by Anabell Ariah, who works with Ascension Library members through her one-on-one EXPANSION sessions.  Anabell empowers and supports members to push through barriers and go beyond current perceived limitations. She knows what it’s like to come up against obstacles and life challenges, to just BE with what is for a time and then move on. Anabell lives in Munich, Germany. This is her story about self-love.  Find out more about Anabell's personal sessions HERE

Like many of you, the past two years have been a time of immense change for me.  I have had to feel the pain that so much letting go of an old way of life can bring.  It is not an easy life passage to navigate when everything that seems safe and secure in life slips away. 

✨ At times I procrastinated with doing what I needed to do. I felt overwhelmed and found excuses for myself to not do it!  In the past few weeks I have had a shift in perception.  I have been exploring what can happen when I invite more love, especially self-love, into my heart. 

Emotional and physical pain and sadness lock us up.  It creates a contraction of our energy and can stop us in our tracks if we don’t understand what is happening and why.  Emotional reaction and release, like REALLY FEELING sadness and despair is often a good thing and can be the prelude to a new beginning. 

A few weeks ago I drove to Bosnia Herzegovina, where I spent time in the town of Visoko near Sarajevo at the Bosnian Pyramids.  During my days of sitting in the high life force energy of the underground Tunnels of Ravne, so much heart pain and sadness surfaced. 

I felt so sad that I thought to myself: How is that possible to feel so much?  It was an even deeper feeling of sadness than when I lost my firstborn son Ben.

I realised then that this deep sadness, that I was consciously unaware of, was meant to surface and be released.  I didn’t understand where it was coming from.  Maybe I didn’t need to, but I knew that my soul was bringing it to the surface, for me to feel and let go of for a reason. 

Sometimes unpleasant emotions are really hard to handle.  It can feel like we and our lives are being turned upside down.  In Bosnia, I found that when I made a conscious decision to accept and allow myself to experience what was happening to me, in the moment and accept it, I felt better...  I got to a place of welcoming the sadness I was feeling as a harbinger of positive change in my life. 

When I decided to give myself the GIFT of SELF LOVE and just BE with what was happening I felt lighter.  Happiness began to re-enter my heart. 

I invite you too to let go and trust in the power of love and surrender to take you where you need to go. 

🌟 You might like to listen to Judy's The Power of Surrender program from Love~Light, a program on Voice of America.  Listen to it HERE

✨ Being connected to our heart's love, which is God’s love, is who we are as human beings.  I found that when I relaxed and allowed myself to FEEL the sadness, my heart opened more and I felt more loving and accepting of myself. 

Now, it also makes sense to see in some churches, paintings of Jesus with a big painted heart.  Have you seen and noticed them?

As I write these words today I feel much lighter, but every now and then there is a little more sadness to be released.  I have noticed that it goes in waves. 

🌟 The most powerful support I have had in my own transformation was listening to the recordings in the Becoming Authentically YOU pathway.  If you are NOT already engaged in the Becoming Authentically YOU find out more HEREYou’ll be glad that you did! 

✨ The lighter I got, the more I understood the process that Judy explains in the introduction.  I also went through the program twice. The second time I felt even better. I work full time and am also the mother of two children, so have a very busy life. I listen to the library recordings when I do household chores, or when out walking. You don’t have to consciously listen to most recordings unless it is a meditation. It is the repetitive energy entrainment into body and mind that creates the changes and used over time listening to the energy will certainly transform your life for the better.  

I know, because 20 years ago when Judy was teaching her BREAKING FREE karmic clearing workshops in New Zealand I used to attend. The energy works, because it comes from Source/God. It is meant to support us through the Ascension changes that we are experiencing at this time on Earth.

May you colour your world with LOVE. 

Anabell Ariah.


Feedback from Ascension Library members

Marie H.

"I am blown away by the wondrous beauty of these transmissions of light and love and wisdom. What's more, is that I am finally remembering!"

David A. 

"If someone is willing to work the library, they will find tremendous value and benefit. It is hard to believe that you offer so much for so little cost to make this available to everyone."

Darin S.

"I've only been a member for less than an hour and am already feeling the effects of being here. This space is electric!"

More articles and recordings:

Light-Life DNA Recoding Episode 2 – Endocrine Gland Upgrade

Extreme Karmic Releasing – Deep-level trauma energy is resurfacing

The Gift of the Pink Moon Vibration of Self-Love with Juliet Herman

The Ascension Library is a PORTAL for Spiritual Advancement

Inside you will discover hundreds of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video event recordings, short courses, e-books, music, and masterclasses. 

Each divinely designed program uses powerful Ultralight energy codes to unlock more of your human potential.


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