advice ascension life | emagazine ascension support tools for ascension

From Judy Satori: Michelle Swanson supports members of our Ascension Library community in the use of recordings and how to gain maximum benefit...

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ascension life | emagazine decree manifestation

When we speak a Divine Decree, we are accessing the energy matrix of the combined force of God-Mind/Source Creation held within the heart center of...

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In the video on this page, Judy introduces the energy attributes from the "I Am That I Am" template and previews some of the recordings that will...

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In a short video, Judy answers a question about pain in the THROAT CHAKRA from Michelle, a participant at our Codes of Light retreat held...

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In the first part of this video, John Burgos, Host of Beyond the Ordinary Show shares his story of how he awakened to spirit...

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energy transmission meditation

Most people that I speak to are feeling rather lost right now.  It is hard to make decisions when you don't seem to know what the right...

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As I write It is seven years ago today, 7th July 2012, a sunny summer morning In Provence that I first explored the ancient forest of La Sainte...

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intention prayer restore

Adding the Prayer of Becoming to your daily routine will anchor new intention energies into your life. 

This prayer will propel you into the...

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ascension empowerment soul self

Life in today’s world is confronting and challenging, but the impact of COVID is also presenting us with a powerful opportunity to examine a...

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empowerment guidance healing inner strength meditation

At times in our lives, most of us have had to hide our light. We may have done this to please others or because we were feeling oppressed in some...

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ascension support love

Since I have changed the focus of our Ascension and You program for November, I want to answer some of the love and relationship questions that we...

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advice ascension support

The energy transmissions in the library are all spiritually designed tools for personal empowerment and advancement. Many of these concepts may be...

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clearing karmic clearing past life

Past life vows are decisions that we have made in a previous life and in a previous time. It might have felt like a good idea in some past life to...

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ascension life | emagazine ascension support personal story

You are unique.  There is no one on the planet just like you, but are you fully able to reflect your special version of uniqueness out into...

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ascension ascension support protection

Archangel Michael is a powerful divine force, who shows up big in the Universe. He embodies the energy of love, compassion, and protection....

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advice ascension ascension support dna activation higher consciousness questioning life spiritual awakening stages of ascension support tips

To thine own self be true... These are the words of  William Shakespeare, written 500 years ago; they are part of a speech from Act 1, Scene...

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connecting with spirit meditation relax

People often ask me how I learned to connect with Spirit and transmit multi-dimension information. It is a SKILL that anyone can learn. We all have...

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ascension life | emagazine energy transmission foundational tools

Spirit has guided me to make a recording to support the immune system.  The energy of this recording is designed to buffer the harmful...

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ascension lifestyle ascension support understanding ascension

Ascension energies are creating physical and consciousness change for every person on the planet and increasingly impacting the Earth on which we...

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love manifestation meditation

Like everyone on the planet, I have been forced by COVID-19 to look at life through new eyes and to set a new template for what I want to create in...

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ascension support personal story

On January 1st, 2021, I woke with conjunctivitis in the left eye.  It was very bloodshot and painful. Only one eye was affected.  The...

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ascension lifestyle personal story

The Bosnian Pyramids were discovered in 2006 by archaeologist Dr. Sam Osmanigich.  On her first trip to Bosnia in 2018, Judy spent time...

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ascension lifestyle understanding ascension

Since the year 2000, and especially since 2013, we have been clearing and releasing karmic toxicity.  This is the energy distortion from...

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How do we overcome life's challenges and obstacles that can seem unrelenting when it feels like there is no patch of blue sky ahead? What do you do...

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